Access our library's catalogue to see what new materials have been added. Also access your account to renew your books, overdues etc.
One of the most important genealogical collections available today. Free access from the library.
People finder or lookup businesses quickly within Canada using the telephone directory, people search, area code finder, or reverse phone lookup.
Online postal code search.
Full text of the authoritative encyclopedia about Canada and its people, in English and French.
Explore and discover Canada with Canadian Geographic Magazine online: Canadian Geographic Travel magazine and Canadian Geographic magazine.
In Library Use - Please visit the library to view the Digital Edition of the Chronicle Journal.
The world's most popular dictionary and thesaurus with definitions, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, word origins, quotes, audio pronunciations, example sentences etc.
In Partnership with G1.ca, a company dedicated to driver safety and education. Take a free G1 practice test for anyone preparing to write the G1 driving test.
An online directory of government staff.
A free, authoritative, and respected reference for Internet users, provides a comprehensive encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, dictionary, and more.
A bilingual Canadian Dictionary.
Download the Mazaam app on your phone, tablet or iPad and introduce your young children to the benefits of music.
In Library Use - National Film Board of Canada offers hundreds of short films.
Locate nearly any place on Earth, search and print historical, weather, and population maps, and more with our dynamic atlas.
This database allows readers to search for their favourite authors or titles, and find others of similar interest. Users can browse theme-oriented book lists at every reading level through Explore Fiction, and look for outstanding titles in Best Fiction.
This branch of NoveList is suitable for kids. Look up books by your favourite authors and discover new ones!
Type in a word and search many dictionaries at once. Also has a reverse dictionary and translations.
Search across hundreds of sites – digital collections of libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, community groups, government agencies, and content organizations – in seconds.
Download Ebooks and Audio Books. All you need is your library card.
Information on over 225 animals and topics such as earth sciences, space, seasons and weather.
A free and family friendly web site that indexes and reviews quality, credible, and current web-based reference resources.
Information for businesses, education, training and much more.
The largest and most trusted free online thesaurus brought to you by Dictionary.com. Quickly find synonyms and antonyms.
Developed for teens providing curricular support and self-help on topics including diseases, drugs & alcohol, nutrition, mental and emotional health, cyber-literacy, family life, sexuality and more. Additional information for girls can be find at Resources for Girls.
Wikipedia is a free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia. Almost all of its articles can be edited by anyone with access to the site.
Provides access to a multitude of reference resources for school aged children.
Britannica Library is an Award-Winning Resource for Children and Adults. Easy to use, and easy to find trusted information. Choose a level between Children, Young Adults & Reference to get starts.